What is an IUD?
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped device. It is almost the size of a quarter. It is inserted inside the uterus by a doctor. IUD prevents fertilisation of egg by the sperm and hence prevents pregnancy.
There are two types of IUDs:
Copper IUDs: made from Copper (Copper T or ParaGrad)
Hormonal IUDs: made from hormones like Levonorgestrel (Liletta, Kyleena, Mirena and Skyla)
An IUD releases hormone or copper into the uterus, which makes the mucus thick, thus restricting sperms from reaching the egg. It can also make the uterus lining thin and thus preventing the implantation.
IUD is a long-term solution and is reversible at any point when you want a child.
Effectiveness: 98-99%
How long does it Last: Different types of IUDs last for different timelines.
Skyla - lasts for 3 years
Kyleena, Liletta and Mirena - lasts for 5 years
ParaGrad - lasts for 10 years
Cost: Price starts at INR 300 per IUD
Where to Buy: Available in Health centres and Pharmacy (with prescription)
STD Protection: No
Safe During Pregnancy: Yes
Side Effects:
Period like cramps in first few days after insertion
Vaginal redness/dryness
Vaginal bleeding
Ovarian cysts
When to Avoid:
Allergy to copper
Wilson’s disease (excess copper in body)
Familial history of breast cancer/cervical cancer
Recurring episodes of urinary tract infections
An IUD can be inserted 4 weeks post childbirth and is completely safe to use while breastfeeding.