When a girl attains puberty, her body starts preparing for pregnancy, every month. This increases the level of hormones like Estrogen, Progesterone, FSH and LH. The uterus lining starts thickening by depositing blood to support pregnancy. The ovaries start releasing eggs every month. However, if there is no sperm in the fallopian tube to fertilise the egg, the body starts preparing to shed the uterus lining along with the egg. This phase of bleeding to remove the uterus lining, every month, is called menstruation. The entire monthly cycle is known as menstruation cycle.​ The bleeding continues for 3 to 8 days and this cycle repeats at regular intervals of 21 to 35 days in every woman, if pregnancy is not achieved. The menstrual flow generally repeats after a fixed interval in each menstruation cycle.

Phases of Menstrual Cycle
Here the average menstruation cycle is considered to be 28 days. It may vary from 21 to 35 days in most women.

Driven by hormones, major changes occur in the ovaries and the endometrial part of the uterus, during the menstruation cycle. Therefore, the process of menstruation can be divided into:
The Ovarian Cycle
The Endometrial Cycle

1. The Ovarian Cycle
Ovary is the primary female reproductive organ. It contains the female gametes, known as the ovum or the egg. The ovum goes through several changes during the lifetime of a woman, to become a mature gamete. Let us understand these phases of ovarian cycle in details:​
Antral Phase
Ovulatory Phase
Luteal Phase
Antral Phase of the Ovarian Cycle
When a female child is born, there are millions of immature ova present in the ovary. These eggs are surrounded by nutrition providing cells, known as the primordial follicles
Until puberty, the Ovarian Maturation Inhibition Factor (OMIF) prevents the maturation of the primary follicles present in the ovum
The primordial follicles slowly develop to form primary follicles, which is also accompanied by the enlargement of the ovum
Once a girl attains puberty, the levels of FSH and LH hormones rise in her body
FSH is produced in higher quantities as compared to LH. This causes the Follicular cells around the ovum to multiply at a faster rate and leads to the formation of protective layers around the ovum
These follicular cells produce a glass like fluid (knowns as antrum) which accumulates inside a cavity around the ovum. The secretions of the antrum also contain estrogen
Thus far, the stage of the ovarian cycle, is known as the Antral Phase
Ovulatory phase of the Ovarian Cycle
In a 28-day cycle, the ovum is released from the thick structure surrounding it, on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The process of the release of the ovum is known as ovulation.
The LH levels start rising around 16 hours prior to ovulation, rising as high as 6 to 10 times the normal level
The levels of estrogen begin to fall, simultaneously, and the follicular cells now start producing progesterone
All of these events trigger the process of ovulation
After the ovum is released into the ovary, the remnants of the surrounding cells start to degenerate. This makes up the next phase of the ovarian cycle, known as the luteal phase.
Luteal phase of the Ovarian Cycle
The luteal phase begins after the first few hours of ovulation. After releasing the egg, the follicles rupture.
The ruptured follicle starts accumulating fat droplets, which makes it yellow in color. This fat filled follicle is now known as the Corpus Luteum
Corpus Luteum secretes large amounts of estrogen and progesterone
If there is no fertilisation of the ovum by the sperm, the corpus luteum undergoes degeneration. This decreases the levels of estrogen and progesterone
Note that during pregnancy, Placenta secretes Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone which acts on the corpus luteum to prolong it’s life and thus maintaining the pregnancy.
2. The Endometrial Cycle
As the ovum goes through the ovarian cycle, simultaneous changes occur in the endometrial lining of the uterus. The endometrial cycle can be divided into 2 phases:
The proliferative phase
The secretory phase

The Proliferative Phase of the Endometrial Cycle
The proliferative phase is characterised by the rapid increase in the number of cells lining the endometrium.
This process starts on day 4-7 of the menstruation cycle
This is also known as the estrogen phase as the increased release of estrogen from cells in the ovary result in the growth of the uterine lining
The proliferative phase ends once the process of ovulation occurs in the ovary and the next phase begins, known as the secretory phase.
The Secretory Phase of the Endometrial Cycle
The secretory phase is also known as the progesterone phase. It starts right after the ovum is released, i.e , after the process of ovulation.
The glands present in the endometrium start growing in size and number, thickening the lining
The proliferation provides a nutritious environment for implantation of the fertilised ovum
However, if fertilisation of the ovum does not occur and there is no pregnancy by the last two days of the monthly 28 day cycle, menstruation occurs
Menstruation is primarily stimulated by the decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone by the end of the monthly cycle
The endometrium lining reduces in thickness by 65% during menstruation. All the secretory glands begin to degenerate. The blood vessels also start to constrict and the degenerated parts start to separate from the uterine lining
The process of blood discharge begins 2 days after the onset of menstruation. The blood sheds in the form of fluids or clots from the vagina
Note that menstruation occurs in a monthly fashion and continues from the onset of puberty until menopause is achieved in the late 50s. During menopause, a woman goes through several hormonal changes, which ceases the process of monthly menstruation. After menopause, a woman is no longer capable of achieving pregnancy.
Symptoms and Signs
There are some common symptoms which start a few days before menstruation. This phase is also called PMS (premenstrual syndrome).
Bleeding once every 21-35 days, lasting for about 3-8 days
Abdominal pain
Pelvic cramps
Lower back pain
Mood swings
Soreness in breast
Craving of certain food
Dealing with pain during Menstruation
Period cramps and pain can be really annoying. It can break the regular ease of life and make you irritated. Here are few tips on how to soothe the pain:​
Certain medications can ease the pain during menstruation:
Birth control pills
Non inflammatory steroid drugs (NSAIDs) - commonly sold under the label of Ibuprofen, Meftal-Spas, Aspirin, etc.
Please remember to consult a gynaecologist before taking any medicine, to avoid any allergies and side effects. Most of these medicines are available over the counter (OTC) in pharmacies.
Use a heating pad to ease the cramps and pain in abdomen and back
Massage with essential oils
Drink green tea or chamomile tea
Have dark chocolate
Avoid coffee, tea and cold drinks
Continue with simple workout and regular exercises/yoga. This improves blood flow in the pelvic region
Sleep at least 8 hours to get enough rest
Having sex also reduces the pain
Menstrual Products
There are a variety of menstrual hygiene products available in the market.


​Menstrual Hygiene
Maintaining proper hygiene is very critical during periods. This helps in reducing bacterial growth, rashes, skin irritation, unpleasant odour and the chances of TSS (toxic shock syndrome). Here are some safe practices to follow:​
Change sanitary napkins/tampons/cups every 6 hours. If the flow is heavy, change them every 4 hours
Use unscented products as the scent/smell can irritate the vagina and cause swelling in the pelvic region
Proper disposal of pads/tampons is very critical as it may attract infection causing microbes otherwise. Always wrap them in paper and dispose in a bin
Wash menstrual cups with mild soap and warm water after each use. Dry it completely before storing it
If you are using reusable pads, clean them thoroughly and always sun dry them
Always wash your hands properly before changing the pad/tampon/cup
Always wash/wipe the pelvic region before wearing a new pad/tampon/menstrual cup to remove the external blood. Wipe the genitals from front to back to avoid any bacteria from anus coming in contact with the vagina
Take lukewarm baths during periods
Always dry your underwear in the sun to remove any bacteria
Never douche the vagina during periods
Do not wear two napkins or a napkin and a cup or a napkin and a tampon together as this may increase the chances of bacterial infection and cause uneasiness
What is Toxic Shock Syndrome?
Toxic shock syndrome is a life-threatening condition. Staphylococcus aureus is the bacteria responsible for TSS. TSS develops when the bacteria enters the blood stream and starts producing toxins. TSS can affect men, children and women through open skin wounds and surgeries, etc. Women are at an enhanced risk due to the usage of sanitary napkins, tampons, menstrual cups, contraceptive sponges, diaphragms etc.
Changing blood-soaked pads/tampons/caps during menstruation is very important. Keeping them on for prolonged time can cause bacterial growth, increasing the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).
Symptoms of TSS
Sudden fever during periods while using pads/tampons/caps
Excessive bleeding
Severe abdominal and pelvic pain
Menstrual irregularities in bleeding
Low blood pressure
Head and muscle aches
Nausea and vomiting
Rashes in palms and toes
Redness of eyes, mouth and throat
Confused thought process
If TSS is not treated timely, it may impact other body organs as well, leading to:
Liver failure
Kidney failure
Heart failure
Reduced blood flow in the body
The woman should consider visiting a doctor immediately if these symptoms are observed after prolonged use of pads/tampons/cups.
Menstrual Complications that require Medical Attention
Menstruation has not begun until the age of 15
Sudden pause in menstruation cycle for 3 months or more
Irregular menstrual cycles
Bleeding during menstruation lasts for more than a week
Two episodes of menstruation within a month
Extremely heavy bleeding and the need to change pad/tampon every 2-3 hours
Sudden bleeding between two monthly cycles
Severe pain during periods with or without vomiting, nausea etc
Fever after using tampons for a prolonged period ​
Facts about Menstrual cycle:
A girl becomes capable of pregnancy after menarche
A girl can get pregnant during her periods as well
Period blood is not dirty or impure
Periods do not make you physically impure
Average bleeding occurs for 3-8 days. The heaviest flow is on day 2
The blood lost in each cycle is about 60-80 ml, but it seems much more because of other components like vaginal fluids, cervical mucus, endometrial cells, etc.
Periods stop in early 50s for most women, this is called Menopause
A woman is most fertile around day 14 of her cycle (in a monthly cycle of 28 days), due to ovulation
The chances of pregnancy apart from ovulation week is very low
Missed periods do not always indicate pregnancy
A woman gets approximately 480 periods, lasting 5 days on average, during her lifetime, which is ~2400 days. This is approximately 6 years of her life
Your body might smell during periods