What is a vaginal ring?
Vaginal ring is a soft ring, inserted inside the vagina. It comes in various types:
Estring/Femring - It is made of silicone and releases oestrogen
Nuvaring - It is made of polymeric and releases progesterone & oestrogen
Annovera - It is made of olymeric silicone and releases oestrogen & progesterone
The hormones released from the ring prevent pregnancy.
It is an every time use solution and if you want a child, simply stop wearing the ring.
Effectiveness: 99% effective
How long does it Last: The vaginal ring is inserted for a period of 21 days and then removed for a period of 7 days. It then needs to be replaced. If you insert the ring on the first day of the Menstruation Cycle, you don't need to use any other contraception, otherwise use some other contraception for the initial 7 days every-time you insert the ring. If the ring comes out within 21 days, wash it with warm water and put it back in within3 hours.
Cost: INR 790 onwards per piece
Where to Buy: Available in Pharmacy and Health centres, but sold only on a prescription by a doctor
STD Protection: No
Safe During Pregnancy: No
Side Effects:
High blood pressure
Breast cancer
When to Avoid:
If you are breastfeeding a child of age less than 6 months, as the ring reduces the milk supply
In cases of High Blood pressure
Have a history of Breast Cancer in family
If you are a smokers- especially 35 years and older
Had previous episodes of Urinary Tract Infections and STDs
You can put on the ring 21 days after childbirth (with 7 days of additional contraception) and immediately after miscarriage or abortion.